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Note These Steps when Designing a CRM System

Multiple factors help in the overall success of the business, and no matter what business you run, there are factors that you must consider having a successful business. One such factor is your customers and building a good relationship with them. For every business, you have a set of audiences that you should please make […]

Illustrator vs Photoshop – When To Use Each

The need for graphic designers has increased massively with the increase of digital advertising and huge marketing campaigns that companies run. There is much graphic designing software available in the market, but the two which are vastly used by artists are Illustrator and Photoshop. The interesting fact about this is that both the software belongs […]

UI Icons Types That Every Designer Needs

The importance of icons on our phones is huge. A small magnifying glass icon that represents the search options is just an example for many. All these little indicators are called icons that help us locate the application we are looking for. It does not necessarily mean that it should be the actual representation of […]

UI vs UX – Guaranteed You Don’t Know These Differences

Traditionally the world has witnessed and followed the motto, ‘Customer is King!’ However, the rapid development shift towards the digital world has something different to say. The content in the digital world holds the secret key to success in this world. However, the easy way to make the quality content that you are presenting to […]