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How To Create UI Design Portfolio In 2024?

July 19, 2023


Securing a job is no easy task today, like in earlier days when there were numerous jobs and fewer job seekers. Earlier jobs were about individual willingness. Today jobs are a necessity for survival. The same is the case with securing a job as a good designer. Good jobs and a good UI UX design portfolio both are synonymous with the other one.

Why is it important to create a good UI Design Portfolio?

First things first, a designer’s UX UI design portfolio is the representation of him as a professional in the respective field before the actual presentation of the work in the UI UX Design company for the employer. It’s like you are as efficient to the employer as you pen down about yourself in the design portfolio.

So, remember, an okayish and impressive portfolio differs just in the use of a few techniques and words here and there! Be the smart one choosing the best combination of words and techniques in your UI design portfolio.

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Simple Tips On Making Your UI Design Portfolio An Eye-catching Portfolio For The Top UX Agencies

  1. Highlight your best work in the best possible way
  2. Take portfolio inspirations from the best existing ones
  3. Play smart with words and designs because visuals do matter

The Need For Creating a Good UI Design Portfolio
A good design portfolio is a creative portrait of your design methods and decisions. Helping your employer understand your work better.

Your Design Portfolio Should Speak For

  1. Your personality as an individual
  2. Your practicality as a designer
  3. Should have all the necessary information about you and your work

Remember, never overdo things because it can hit back on you too. Keep it simple yet make it eye-catching. A perfect balance of hard and soft skills. Keeping the aesthetics alive of an impressive UI UX design portfolio while decently presenting your past work and case studies.

Prefer being a good storyteller of your professional journey. Describe yourself, your interests, and the principles on which you work.

A design portfolio helps you showcase your personality as an individual too. So never hesitate to reflect your true self in the UI design portfolio. As your personality might befit with the working mechanism of the client, you are aspiring to work with.

Also Remember, To Highlight Specifically Three Things

  1. Your interests
  2. Your specialization
  3. Your limits

Your design portfolio shows your working process. So, make it as interesting as you can. You can incorporate styles, sketches, flowcharts, styles, and anything in your creative capacity for the employer to stick with you. Take references from UX design portfolio examples.

Professional Pointers To Highlight On Your UI Design Portfolio

  1. The clients you have worked with over the past.
  2. Design tools you use.
  3. Your research approach for work.
  4. Your final work.
  5. The challenges you face at work.
  6. Elaborate on your previous work experience.
  7. Research-based statistics.
  8. Do the magic with the visuals.

Since every individual has a different professional journey, everyone is bound to have a different UI UX design portfolio. Also, based on work experience, everyone cannot be on the same hierarchical level of working. Some individuals are beginners, and some have years spent in the industry. So, the portfolio might differ slightly.

Tips For Portfolio Building For Beginners

Since beginners have just started their professional journeys, there is very little to showcase in their portfolios workwise. You can play safe here by highlighting the different traits of your personality. An employer is more interested in your personality than the past work. Show you are adaptable to work with the culture of the organization. Build your portfolio from UX design portfolio examples from the internet.

Tips For Portfolio Building For Experienced Individuals

Experienced individuals can weave stories around diverse work projects. And how, with expertise, the challenges you faced as a team with ease and comfort. Highlight your work strategies and how they helped generate output for the organization or client. Show your work mechanism and the process you follow.

How you helped satisfy the customers, show authentic data as proof of your best work. Tell the employer how you are an asset to the organization. And how important your mentorship is, what best your expertise can help the business gain. Show them your true value. Never forget to build your portfolio, taking insights from UX design portfolio examples.

How To Present Your UI Design Portfolio?

Presentation is a very important aspect of the UI UX design portfolio. As we said, visuals do matter! Something that pleases the senses pleases the soul. What better way of pleasing the senses than presenting something beautiful, soothing, interesting, and impressive to the eyes? The same is the case with an eye-catching UI/ UX design portfolio.

Attention To Detail
Pay attention to the minute details. Minimalistic visual things like font, colour, text all these basic things can cause a great impact. Keep the aesthetics of the portfolio alive from the beginning to the end page. If your aesthetics are in maintenance throughout and stand out in the portfolio, you might get more work than you aim for. So, play safe by doing some basic changes and win the client.

The concept of paying attention to minute detail might sound very basic. But it makes a great difference. It can make or break your client’s reach. Let us understand this by taking an example of any webpage. If the webpage is boring and does not excite us, we tend to leave it within seconds. So, refer to UX design portfolio examples.

But if the case is exactly the opposite and the website is very well designed and formatted. We tend to stay on the webpage. So, remember to make an engaging UI/ UX design portfolio. In the end, engagement is everything in an online business. The more engagement, the more will be the business generation. The client, too, will trust you better with the work.

Also, remember never to overdo anything!

Inculcating Videos In Your UI Design Portfolio
Statistics say that clients engage more with audio-visual content than written content. End users like more engagement with videos. As they are relatable and easy to understand, then pay all your focus to the written content. So yes, go for video incorporation in your portfolio.

Your video content can be anything from the introduction of your personality to your working style. It should represent your best skills and best work. And how efficient you are in problem-solving and customer satisfaction.

Never forget about customer engagement. Whatever you showcase, just show the best parts of you from the best of you! Make the employer stay around you and your work. Even short videos are a trendy concept now. So, see what you can do best for yourself.

Projects To Reflect In The Design Portfolio
Remember, your UI/ UX design portfolio is your unique selling point, so never overdo it. You might have worked for numerous organizations. But we as humans tend to make mistakes, so your every work cannot be a masterpiece. Focus on your best work and clients. Show them in the best visuals. And here you are with your dream client.

Include diverse projects. Yet highlight the best from them!

How To Test Your Design Portfolio With The Eyes Of Your Employer?

As we are making the repetition of the words eye-catching and impressive throughout. So is the case with your UI/UX design portfolio. Get it analyzed by someone known, tell them to review it. If it interests them or keeps them occupied for more than a minute, then you have done your part.

Be open to feedback from someone you trust on analyzing your portfolio. Take insights from them and further incorporate them into your UX UI design portfolio. Never showcase a roughly drafted portfolio to your employer. Draft, redraft and then present the employer your final draft of your design portfolio.

Also, write down the pointers and information that is true to the best of your belief. You never want to get stuck on points of false information. Never give your employer a piece of false information about you. Remain transparent about your work with your employer.

What Should a Standard Portfolio Be Like?

A standard UX UI design portfolio should have a balance of both structure and design that includes:

  1. Define your work and working process clearly.
  2. Don’t add unnecessary information that might cause you trouble.
  3. Give all the necessary information about your past work and the challenges faced.
  4. State the diverse roles have played for organizations over the past. It helps your employer understand your best work.


This was all that one should keep in mind while building an eye-catching UX UI design portfolio. Simple tips like making it with the best combination of visuals and techniques. Making it engaging and also true to your professional capacities. These are small things but make a huge difference. So, remember, for you to land a good job as a UI designer, a good design portfolio is necessary! We at UI UX Studio are a great agency, helping you design the best design portfolio with the best eCommerce Industry Design services.