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UI vs UX – Guaranteed You Don’t Know These Differences

July 19, 2023


Traditionally the world has witnessed and followed the motto,

‘Customer is King!’

However, the rapid development shift towards the digital world has something different to say. The content in the digital world holds the secret key to success in this world. However, the easy way to make the quality content that you are presenting to your customer’s count is by placing it at the perfect place for the ideal reason. This is where User Interface and User experience come into the picture.

Trend In App Development Process

UI and UX are some of the most commonly used words in the digital space, especially in the app development process. UI UX not only makes the content effective but also makes the customer feel like the customer is the king.

Two different aspects of its development are so commonly used together that it becomes quite hard to understand the difference between them. However, both user-oriented designs have specified functions. If well balanced can be the game-changer for your success in the digital space.

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Do you know?

If you think that you know everything about UI and UX, then you might be wrong. Here are some of the differences that are just not noticed by everyone. But before getting into the detailed differences, let’s first understand the exact definition of UX and UI design is.

What Is UI and UX?

Let’s make it clear here that a UI vs UX design is completely different from each other. Let’s look at both the elements responsible for user interaction individually.

UI Design
UI stands for User Interface, and it is designed by using typography, images, and visual design elements to turn something simple into something extraordinary. UI Design in UI vs UX design is basically a designing process where wireframes are transformed into an interface with attractive graphics. This designed interface for the user is responsible for the product’s usability and creating a connection between the user and the product.

Compared to its arch-rival, UX, UI is more tangible, and as the name suggests, it is more about the User Interface rather than the experience of the user.

UX Design
Here is where the business gets tricky in UI vs UX meaning. User Interface is responsible for the design that defines the journey of the user. However, the User Experience design is something that adds a goal to the customer’s journey. UX design often adds monetary value to the user journey and aims to convert the whole journey of the user into a product.

In simple words, UX is responsible—as the name suggests—for the experience of the user on the journey. This is the reason why UX is made up of many UI designs. The key difference between both here is that UX makes the journey of the user on the application, web, or digital space, in general, more friendly.

What’s the Difference Between UI vs UX Design?

Now that we know the core functions of UI vs UX design, here are the differences that make all the difference. So,

UI or User Interface is more about the visual representation of the user with the product. Basically, it refers to the aesthetic elements that are usually the first point of interaction between the user and the product. On the other hand, UX or User Experience is responsible for the experience the user gets while interacting with the product. Its core focus is on making the journey more useful, relevant and most importantly, it adds value to the product.

Even though both the products are commonly referred to as UI and UX together, it is actually User experience (UX) that lays the foundation of the product because UX is the journey and not the point of interaction of the user. Whereas UI is something that deals with colors, typography, etc., and hence it is followed after UX.

Which One Is Better?

In simple words, UX looks after the flow of the journey of the user with the product. UI, on the contrary, adds the element of interaction to it by defining the visual details of the product.

However, when these two design elements work together, it comes instantly effective and enhances the whole journey of the user and finally converts a potential customer into a customer. But how do these two design elements work together? Well, let’s find it out!

How Do UX Design and UI Design Work Together?

This is the answer to the whole debate of what is UI vs UX? UI and UX have differences and are completely different from each other. However, they are the missing piece of the same puzzle. Meaning they are actually important for defining the look and function of the product. They are interlinked and required to work together for the success of the product.

Understand that there is no UI without UX, and there is no UX without UI. To put the whole understanding structure of UI and UX together, these two are like the two main characters in a storyline. One makes the other complete.

Important Points To Know About UIUX

UI adds the element of interaction to the entire journey of the user with the product, which is the foundation of UX. On the other hand, UX adds the element of connection between the visuals of the product.

Another crucial pointer that needs to be discussed here is that being good at only UI or UX is not enough. One brings value to others. That is why it is important for them to be good and add value to others. This is because one adds value to another.

Here, the question arises, why are there different designers for its design? Well, here’s what a UI and UX designer does!

What Does a UX Designer Do?

Understanding the customer journey in the customers’ journey is what a UX designer does. A user experience designer is responsible for planning the entire journey of the design.

A UX designer is responsible for the designing process and creating a strategy that everything is structured and has a common goal, which is usually the conversion of potential customers to customers.

UX designers also have additional important tasks like user research information of architecture. Every little detail of visual design is done by a UX designer based on the data and research. A user experience designer is maintaining the flow of the user journey, wireframing the UX designing process, testing that design, and analyzing.

What Does a UI Designer Do?

Now that every piece is properly arranged and the point of attraction remains, this is where a User Interface designer comes into the picture. Basically, at the prototyping stage. A User Interface designer takes the wireframes created by the UX designer and adds a visually attractive element to them. This makes the entire product more usable, aesthetic, appealing, and compatible for different screen sizes.

A UI designer is responsible for design research, visual design, branding and graphic development, and design systems for the product. The responsibility of making the design responsive and interactive for the user with added animation is what the UI designer does. Apart from that, prototyping the design that adds the value of emotion to it is also the job of a UI designer.

UX vs UI Design: Which Career Path Is Better For You?

UX vs UI design is something that has always been fascinating to digital geeks. However, choosing them as a career is a part of your skills and interest. If you have excellent imaginative skills with designing elements, then UI is something that can be the ideal choice for you.

On the other hand, if you are good and interested in adding that element of experience, like maintaining the feel of the digital product and knowing how to connect better with the customers, then UX is the ideal choice for you.

Why Is Research Important For Designers?

The whole process of designing is for the user, and there are probably many potential users using your product. To convert that potential customer to take action and achieve your intended target, research plays a crucial part. UI and UX designers both need good research because they need that insight information to get that edge in designing.

For UX designers, research gives the answer to tackling real and relevant problems. The most common point of research is User personas because they are people-oriented. User interviews- to add the element of emotion to it; Focus group – targeting one group for one outcome; Surveys – as surveys is the gateway to every information about the user.

For UI designers, research helps in enhancing and making the design more relatable for the audience. The designer needs to identify which color palettes, patterns, fonts go perfect for getting the job done. Everything regarding visual elements requires research, and for UI users, that is the most important.


Now you have understood what is UI vs UX. There are differences between UI vs UX meaning. However, something despite these two being completely different is together. In fact, they are meant to be together because separately, they are just as good as an empty service. We at UIUX Studio provide you with the best UI and UX services for your business. Get in touch with us today. We also provide great UI and UX designs for the IT and Real Estate industries.