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UI/UX Design Process: A Step By Step Guide

July 20, 2023


The UX design process is all about the feel and working of a product much more than how it looks. UI/UX design process term was first talked of in the 1990s. The introduction of the term UI/UX design process was first by a famous designer Donald Norman. After the introduction of the term for the very first time, there are now various studies in this area of the design process. Different industrial groups and developers have come forward to making use of the process in everyday life for related advantages.

Apple Products And The Success Of Their Design Process

Steve Jobs once simply said that to understand the real value of a product, a structured and efficient process of UI/UX design is necessary to create interfaces that end-users can use seamlessly! The designing process in Apple products is majorly about the interface they follow. The huge success of Apple products is owing to their designs forming the base of design guidelines for the tech giants of today like HP and Microsoft.

Simplicity In User Interface And Experience

An end-user does not want to deal with any complications while using a tech accessory. So keeping the user interface simple yet exciting makes the user stay captured to your product and services. The simple and exciting interface that users desire is a possible reality here at UI/UX Studio with the team of the best UI/UX designers. Clear designs and great experience are what we believe in offering our customers.

Basic Understanding Of The Term User Experience

User experience is the value of a product that an end-user receives. The user experience is dependent on customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction is dependent on factors like usage, accessibility, and the pleasure associated with the user interaction with the product.

Why Does User Experience Make a Difference?

A well-designed interface presents the product efficiently to the user and builds the confidence of the users towards the brand. This way, customers come back to you for future services as well. Customers gain satisfaction as well as trust towards your brand. Thus customer satisfaction or better-framed term user experience plays a very important role in the design of the product.

User-friendly and simple design is the key that one should keep in mind while designing a UI/UX system. As very well-phrased by Steve Jobs, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. A simple yet functional UX design process makes you stand apart from the crowd in the market.

Ways to approach the UI/UX Design of the product

UI/UX design is the most important part of the development process of the product. It is the aspect that decides the success of the product. Prefer choosing a simple design and classic approach for your product.

The approach considered best for the success of the UI/UX design of the product is the combination of the structure, content, and user experience in a way that helps your business reach its goals.

The user-centric approach is the key to a successful design of the product. Strategize a simple UX design process with an engaging interface that excites the users. Create that push factor and make your product stand out from the crowd. We at UI/UX Studio help you create that push needed for your product.

Top 5 Steps involved in the UI/UX Design Process

The UI/UX design process is a way that enables polishing the user interface of your product. These steps help you in building the best user interface for your product. If this process is not followed in designing, you might have to redesign the interface of the product’ now and then. To escape the redesigning of the product, again and again, you can choose UI/UX Studio for the designing of the user interface of the product.

Let us understand the designing process now. The entire UI/UX Design process steps are as follows:

Product Definition
It is the first phase of the UI UX design process. The team aligned for this will analyze the user requirements according to the business goals and work accordingly. This first step is very integral to the whole development process of the product as it helps in gaining a basic understanding of the reach of the product and its existence.

In simple language, this step gives the designers insight into the UI/UX design process. Awareness about the basic requirements of the UI/UX process before the beginning of the process is thought of in this step.

The professionals involved in this step are the design team, product, and business managers. The involvement of the client is also there for all the necessary coordination. The needs of the clients and their respective business goals are given a detailed study.

The outcome associated with this step of the process is user stories, personas, and case diagrams. Do consider UI/UX Studio from the very beginning for a successful user interface of your product. We make the designing process a smooth experience for our customers.

Research is mandatory and a very significant step of the design process of the UI UX. The design team studies the client proposal and the working of the present system in this step. Research helps you gain a good understanding of the product design, i.e. user interface and user experience.

The most important functions associated with this step are:

  • Understanding the competition of the market.
  • Thorough study and understanding of the existing domain.
  • Understanding the strategies of the competitors to generate test outcomes.

The research step of the design process also involves a good understanding of the updated UI/UX trends, designing principles, and the related guidelines.


This step of the UX design process makes use of all the research data and studies. With the help of the information collected in the research phase, hypothetical scenarios and experience maps are made.

Hypothetical Scenarios
This helps the designer to gain an understanding of the different persons who will eventually be the users of your products. It helps in creating a real picture of the final product before releasing the final product in the market. By creating hypothetical scenarios, the designers can get the assumption of the picture of the product after delivery.

Experience Maps
Experience maps depict the user flow with your final product. This is possible by the use of visual representation of the UX design process diagram in coordination with the client associated at the time of the product definition step of the product.


The designing step of the UX design process gives life to the vision collected from the previous three steps. The execution of the final design of the product is in conduction in this step.

The important outcomes of this step are:

Sketching is the beginning of the design phase. Sketches help designers gain visualization of the idea of the product. Sketches are in use as reference diagrams in the process of designing.

Creating Wireframes
Wireframes constitute the visual structure of the webpage depicting the hierarchy of the page and the elements of the product. It forms the backbone of the final product and is also called the skeleton of the product design. It makes the overall look of the product.

Creating Prototypes
Prototype creation is all about how the product feels to the end-users. It makes a very important part of the product relating to the user interface of the product.

Design Specifications
It involves the flow of users and the task flow diagrams. Depicting the functioning and style of the product. Gives a description of the UI/UX processes and the graphical elements important for creating great user experiences.

Testing or validation

The testing phase of the UX design process helps in determining the quality of the final product. A note-making of the improvements before the final release is by the testers. After the list of improvements is made by the testers, they are sent back to the team associated for the correction of the errors.

While the evaluation of the final product, the necessary points to consider are as follows:

  • Is the interface user-friendly?
  • Is the product easy to operate and flexible?
  • Does it assist the issues of the customers in the meantime?
  • Is it attractive enough for users to visit back at any time of need of the service?


Before anything, remember for the creation of an amazing user interface of the product and UX design process best practices, one should follow a systematic and well-planned approach. Strategizing the UI/UX design process in advance will help you gain the best results. UI/UX Studio will help you achieve the same results.

A team of highly skilled designers at UI/UX Studio helps you achieve your business goals. Great experiences built once help in retaining the trust with existing customers and assist in attracting new customers in this world full of competition.