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What Experts Do To Measure UX Metrics

July 19, 2023


When you design a product, the objective is not just user satisfaction but also how it is useful for the business. From the viewpoint of business, when you improve your user experience, you benefit the business by generating revenue and increasing the reputation in the market. As designers in the top UX agencies, customer satisfaction is our utmost priority. But the question is, how are we going to measure the UX, and can you measure the User satisfaction.

Well, the answer is Yes! UI UX Design Company can measure user satisfaction with the help of quantitative and qualitative methods in UX Metrics.

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One of the important factors in creating a sustainable product for the market is utilizing the data of the consumers and the measuring design. For your product to become successful, UX research is vital, along with UX Metrics. As rightly pointed out by Peter Drucker, if you can measure it, you can manage it.

UX Metrics and Metrics: An Understanding

Before delving into the topic of UX Metrics and how to measure UX? It is pertinent that you have a general understanding of what metrics are. In simpler terms, metrics are standard for a measurement that assesses multiple factors in a website, such as an efficiency, progress, performance, and quality. Overall it helps the designers to have an insight into the real problem that they are trying to solve.

Metrics are an important factor in enhancing your design as-

  1. They tell the designers exactly what the user wants and what they are doing.
  2. Metrics also tell about the design, whether they are good or bad.

UX Metrics, on the other hand, is a subsidiary of metrics that let us measure the user experience of the product, which is quite hard for the teams to measure as each user is unique in its way. Multiple frameworks help us to quantify the user experience. Today we will talk about such frameworks and how to measure UX in the best possible manner.

There are multiple UX measurement tools, and almost all the tools lie under three main categories they are-

Descriptive Metrics/Usability Metrics
The field of UX is quite wide, and usability is just one part of it. This method of measurement focuses on the ease of using the product or task completion by the user. Some methods that this category includes are task success rate, ease of use rating, navigation vs. search, etc.

Perception Metrics/Engagement Metrics
It mainly focuses on the engagement of your audiences, such as how they interact with the application, website, and software. This method helps in finding the perception of the user about the product.

Outcome Metrics/Conversion Metrics
This category of UX metrics is quite important for both the UX team as well as marketing teams. It has its focus on a small set of audiences that commits to the product with the help of engagement and usage. Conversion metrics include Net Promoter Score (NPS) and conversion rate. With the help of these two insights, you can design your products in a better way and help the business to meet its goals.

These are the top three categories of top UX metrics that help you in your ventures and business objectives. Apart from these, we bring you our top tools that will tell you how to measure UX.

Top UX Metrics to Focus

The team needs to track the UX Metrics for the services and products that your business offers. Because if you do not track the progress, you will find it hard to collect the data and know-how the product is performing in the market. The business must measure the progress based on collected data. Only you will make further changes in the product and services of your business.

To make your work easier, we bring you our list of tools that will help you in measuring the user experience and UX success metrics.

User Satisfaction
The best measurement scale for any product and service is customer satisfaction. If a customer is satisfied, he/she will have the best experience. Naturally, a bad experience will have less user satisfaction. The best way to ask your user about the experience is by letting them rate the experience from a 5 point scale or a 7 point scale and starting from very dissatisfied to very satisfied.

Another way to measure user satisfaction under UX Metrics is with the help of surveys. As they also provide valuable insights from your audience and the overall market of the product. You can also ask for feedback on your application and websites. Most businesses are not after ratings but the reason behind those ratings. It is this data that lets the businesses make changes and make products that best suit their audience. At the end of the day, it is the customers who are the utmost priority.

It is a good barometer to measure user experience. As it is no science that a product that is widely liked will have more recommendations from its audiences. Nowadays, we can measure it with the help of the Net promoter Score (NPS). You can find out the score by asking a simple question from your audience that will tell the business about how loyal your customers are.

The feature of usability is one of the core principles of the product and services. A product that is hard for users to use is not going to provide a good experience. At the same time, a product that is easy to use and is extremely in use by users will provide the best user experience. The best way to measure the usability of the product is by asking your audiences to rate the product on the scale of extremely hard to use to extremely easy to use.

Most businesses use the System usability scale (SUS) to measure the usage of their product and services. It is one of the best tools under UX Metrics.

Any application and online services that we use, one thing we could observe in all the things are ratings. It also has high UX success metrics as it is a good way to judge the product without much work from the users. They just have to provide ratings on a scale of 1 to 10. With the help of ratings, you can easily judge the product and the service of the business.

You can ask your audience to provide the overall ratings as well as ratings on particular features such as design, usability, appeal, etc. the best practice for this tool is to stick with a conventional 5 point scale.

User Tasks
Tasks are the core principle of any product. If your product is unable to complete the task of the user, then it is the biggest drawback of your product. Your product is worth nothing. Under this tool of UX Metrics, you should capture the measurement of the user as soon as the task is done. This you can do with the help of usability testing and with the help of a user’s session.

There are multiple user task sessions and metrics that you could focus on. Some of them are listed below.

Error Rate
This will help in knowing the percentage of users that have made a mistake or an error during the task, for instance, navigation of the website.

Time on Task
We use this to measure the potential impact of user productivity. As with this, you can measure the time a user takes to complete the task.

Ease of Completion
Single Ease Questions (SEQ) is one of the best methods to measure how easily a user completes the task. In simpler terms, the ease with which your audience completes the task.

Completion Rate
This will measure the percentage of users that complete the full task.

The average number of Errors
It is the average number of mistakes the user makes while completing the tasks.

Product Description
The tool of the product description is one of the best and has high UX success metrics. The way you describe the product and the adjectives that you use plays a significant role in measuring the experience of the user, as the words that your audiences will use have a telling effect and is a great window into the user experience.

The best way to do this is by letting your user and audience pick out five adjectives from the list to rate your product. If the adjectives are all good and positive, you can deduce that your product is successful, and if not, you can make changes to make your product better.


With the help of these IT Industry Design services and above listed UX Metrics, you could easily evaluate the user experience. Though there are other tools as well apart from the ones that we have mentioned that also let you evaluate the experience. What kind of tool you use depends on the goals that you and the business want to achieve. If you have the right framework for the product, it will help in choosing the best tool and identifying the top UX metrics & fintech industry design services.