Mobile-First Website Design: The Ultimate Solution of All Problems

Half of the world’s population has access to the internet with the help of their mobile phones only. Most of the time people prefer mobile over desktop and other screens to use the internet connection. And as the world is moving towards a digital economy the number of mobile phone users is only going to rise. In the next 5 years, the numbers will be doubled and people will have access to things more easily. For such a time the sectors of the market & web design companies have to start their work now.

If you are still thinking about other ways and not designing your products for mobile then you are in trouble. It is because of these statistical data that mobile-first website design is the best strategy for all of your upcoming digital products such as software, applications, and websites. Mobile-first website design is one of the key ingredients to having a successful venture and business. Mobile phones have changed the world and the workings of it as for most people a mobile screen is the first thing they look at when they wake up and the last thing when they go to sleep.

So to say that mobile is good for any business is merely an understatement. Despite this known fact there are still multiple product design companies in the market that still design their websites for desktops and then later work on mobiles. Practically it should be the other way around as mobile-first website design is currently the solution for every problem out there. It creates a mobile-first responsive web design and adaptive product design for the corporation.

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Defining The Mobile-first Responsive Web Design

It is a philosophy that lets the organization create good experiences for the users and makes it easier for the development team in designing the website. The concept of mobile-first website design came into existence in the year 2010 when Google announced that it will focus more on its mobile user’s experience when designing any website. As they design it for the smaller screens first and then for the bigger screens like PC and Desktop. Designing any website for mobile ensures that the experience of your audience is perfect and smooth. It is the method that took its roots from the theory of progressive advancement.

This mobile-first website design method lets the UX designers prioritize the most important things that they want the audiences to see and react to in the product. Thus, helping the designer to deliver the right experience to their users without any extra work. Later when designing the website for larger screens the designers can expand the functions of the website by adding different other features and elements.

The major issue with designing for desktop first is from the start designers build an all-inclusive website and when they go for smaller screens of mobile phones the elements become harder to distinguish. Yes, the designers find it hard to distinguish elements that belong to the core and ones that are just extras. If it is not a mobile-first website design, then it makes the experience for mobile users an afterthought and the audiences do not find the website appealing. This ultimately results in losses for the company.

Importance of Mobile-First Design

Almost half of the web traffic is consumed by mobile phones and the network and this makes it important for businesses to focus their website and product designing on mobile users. As the statistical data have already revealed that almost half the world consumes data on their mobile phones, businesses must understand the demand of time and work on that path. As mobile phones are now not an integral part of life but it is life itself. It is a necessity that now we cannot imagine our lives without having a mobile phone. It is also important to note that mobile users have already surpassed the PC or desktop users back in 2016 only. The numbers of such mobile users are only going to increase with each passing day. If the companies want to retain their position in the market and be at par with their competitors then they should adopt the mobile-first responsive web design.

There is other data available as such that reveals the importance of mobile phones such as the average time that smartphone users spend on his/her mobile phone is around 3 hours 15 minutes. Millennials spend more than 4 hours regularly on their phones and lastly, there are almost 9000 plus distinct mobile phones. That data distinctively shows the shift in people’s requirements of mobile phones over desktops. Automatically it would make sense for corporations and web designers to make mobile-first website design a priority.

Accessibility of Mobile-First Web Design

We have already established the importance of mobile-first design and why designers should adopt this approach. Here are some of the reasons why this design is best and accessible for all developers and audiences alike.

Screen Friendly
The approach of mobile-first web design pushes the designers to make the website more readable for smaller screens and removes all the extra information. This makes the website informative and without any additional information. With this, the website becomes more accessible to people who have eyesight issues and your website reaches a wider audience. As there are people who do not use desktops and for their work, they rely on mobile phones. It is a win-win situation for the company as you can find a person who uses desktops and mobile phones both but you will never find a person who only uses desktops and not mobiles. It helps to reach a wider audience and generate income for the company.

Prioritizing Information
This approach also lets you prioritize your content and help you in segregating your content and information into what is important and what is not. With this approach, the designers put their best and most important information first and then the less important one. This saves a lot of time for the user as he/she does not have to waste time searching for the information. The information that the user is searching for is available before his eyes only. As the information is available to people in a short span, it creates a good image of the website in the eyes of the people and increases your goodwill.

Tips For having a Good Mobile-first Responsive Web Design

Content and information are the keys to having a good mobile-first design. As the user wants to have all the relevant information in front of your eyes. You as a developer should deliver all the content that a user is looking for. As anything else and other secondary elements might distract your users and audiences from having a good experience. This creates a visual hierarchy of information that a designer has to maintain depending upon the importance of the users.

Navigation is the Key
The best way to design a mobile-first web design is by having a good navigation key and condensing all the unnecessary and secondary elements and factors into navigational buttons that are easy to reach for the audience and easy to navigate. The webpage of your website should have easy navigation buttons for your users so that they can get all the required information with easy access.

Simplicity and No Complexity
A good website that designers develop for mobiles is always simple and does not have any complexity such as pop-ups, Advertisements, and other information that the users do not want to see especially when the user is on mobiles. The best tip to design a good website for mobile is to keep it simple so that users can engage.


With the help of the above findings, we can conclude that mobile-first web designs are here to stay for the long run and it will benefit the corporations who adopt this philosophy of web design. The sooner the better as time is of the essence and if the company wants to increase their revenue and generate profits while keeping ahead of their competitors they should follow this approach. It will help them in keeping the audiences happy with the best Ecommerce Industry Design Services .

In the end, it is the consumer that will help you in growing your business and there is one thing in business that one should remember and that is the happiness of its customers. If your audience won’t see any substantial experience in viewing your content or website then your business will not grow.

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